10 Things To Know About German Roaches

August 18, 2021

If pests infest your home, you have probably gotten bitten several times. We are used to bites from blood-hungry bugs like mosquitoes and bed bugs. But do palmetto bugs bite or other types of cockroaches, for that matter? Cockroaches do bite but rarely. And they do so not to feed on blood. Instead, they bite as they eat the dead skin or food crumbs on our bodies. German cockroaches are biters you need to beware of because their bites cause discomfort. Before discussing German roaches bites, here are some tips on how to recognise them.

How To Identify German Cockroaches

Adult German roaches are light brown with two black horizontal stripes behind their head. Nymphs are darker than adults but still have black lines at the back of the head. Adults grow as much as 13 to 16 mm long. They have wings too, but they seldom fly. Mostly, you will find them crawling or running. Identifying their presence is as easy as noticing droppings, egg capsules, and a musty smell.

German Roach Bite In Detail

German cockroaches are omnivores since they eat both plant and animal matter. They bite when nibbling on fingernails, eyelashes, or the dead skin on your hands or feet. The bite can lead to swelling, irritation, lesion, and minor infection. Here are more details about their bites and how to stay safe from harm.

  1. The Roaches Bite During The Night

German cockroaches are nocturnal by nature. They come out of hiding at night searching for food and water because they are cautious of people. Since they attack at night while you are sound asleep, monitoring them can be challenging. In case you get bitten, you will recognise the bite when you wake up feeling pain.

  1. German Roach Bite Certain Areas

Like bed bugs, German roaches typically target specific parts of the body. Therefore, be mindful of your mouth and hands, essentially the body parts used for eating. Leaving food crumbs on such areas is a major attractant for hungry roaches. Before going to bed, it is advisable to wash the mentioned body parts to keep German cockroaches away for a good night’s sleep.

  1. Cockroach Bites Are Unique From Other Pest Bites

A German roach bite is quite different from that of other pests. You can tell a roach has bitten you if you catch it on the act or while it is scampering away. But this can be hard since they do so as you sleep. To know what bit you, check the bite. A cockroach bite is bigger than that of other insects such as bed bugs. It is also bright red and comes with swelling and itchiness. The bite worsens when infected, swelling up more and filling up with pus.

Swollen Cockroach Bite Mark On Skin

  1. German Roaches Bites Are Powerful

Despite being small, the bite is powerful. It is five times stronger than a human’s and has a force 50 times stronger than the cockroach’s body weight. You may not feel a thing while a German cockroach bites you, but you will experience a painful sensation afterward. Your body’s tolerance level determines the amount of pain you feel. If your body has low tolerance, then the bite may be excruciating. The discomfort felt lasts for a short time and even fades away faster if promptly and adequately treated.

  1. The Bite Can Cause Allergic Reactions

Cockroach bites can trigger allergic reactions and asthma symptoms. The bite itself is not toxic, but the biter could be carrying allergens that lead to the problem. Bites from German cockroaches commonly cause skin reactions, mainly swelling and itchiness, that last for a few days.

  1. Do Not Scratch A Roach Bite

The first thing a person does when they get bitten by an insect is scratching the affected area. That may not be a good idea when bitten by a German cockroach. While it may be itchy, scratching makes the situation worse. Instead, wash the bite spot with water and soap to clean off germs because German roaches carry bacteria and allergens. If swelling occurs, apply ice instantly to reduce inflammation and relieve irritation. Alcohol application on the bite is another excellent option to prevent swelling.

  1. German Cockroach Rarely Bites

Biting is not a hobby of German roaches. They only bite when under threat and when nibbling at food residue on a part of your body. Though the bites are rare, you should avoid them because German cockroaches are known disease spreaders. And you do not want to experience the discomfort brought about by a bite.

  1. A Bite From A Roach Can Be A Sign Of A Major Infestation

Once you get bitten by a roach, know that your home could be heavily infested. When desperately looking for food and water for survival, cockroaches invade all manner of places. If you have food residue on any part of your body, they will target you. On experiencing a cockroach bite, plan to perform prompt and thorough extermination.

  1. German Roaches Bites Are Not Venomous

Most people fear a German cockroach bite thinking it is fatal or leads to severe injury or impairment. But this is never the case. The bite is not poisonous. However, it causes swelling and an itchy feeling.

  1. The Bite Is Treatable At Home

The good news is that you can treat a German roach bite without having to go to the hospital. Some of the home remedies suitable for treatment include lemon juice, tea bags, and aloe Vera. These remedies work by soothing the bitten area, hence reducing swelling and itchiness.

Bottom Line

There you have it – the most important things to know about German cockroach bites. Now that you are aware that German cockroaches can bite, be vigilant to ensure they do not infest your home. The best action to take going forward is working closely with a pest control service to free your home from these creepy, annoying creatures. Professionals understand how to effectively deal with all kinds of insect infestations no matter the size, and German roaches are no exception.

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